RamNode Review

RamNode Discount: Up To 40% OFF VPS & Hosting

RamNode, founded in 2012, is well known as one of the best hosting companies offering share storage solutions with unlimited domains, ample storage, and a 99.9% uptime guarantee. They also provide affordable servers plus powerful features which are suitable for most personal and small business websites.


Pros and Cons of RamNode


Unlimited domains

Unlimited bandwidth

Guaranteed 99.99% of uptime

Daily backups

Softaculous auto-installer


No free domains

No live chat or phone support

RamNode pricing and plans:

RamNode offers KVM, VDS and Shared Hosting at affordable price.

Standard KVM starting at $3/mo ($0.0045/hr), including 512MB memory, 1Core, 10GB SSD and 1000GB Bandwidth. It can be updated to 8GB memory, 4 Cores, 140GB SSD, 5000GB Bandwidth for $40/mo ($0.06/hr).

For Premium KVM: They offer faster CPUs and high speed NVMe storage. The price starting at $12/mo ($0.018/hr), including 2GB memory, 2 Cores, 25GB NVMe, 3000GB Bandwidth and $96/mo ($0.144/hr) for 16GB memory,4 Cores, 200GB NVMe, 6000GB Bandwidth.

Extra: RamNode  provides DDoS-filtered IPs available for $3/mo, additional bandwidth billed at $0.004/GB, and Image storage (snapshots, ISOs uploads, etc.) billed at $0.05/GB/mo.

Also, in order to see the prices of different tiers, simply move the slider to the right or left.

RamNode Features

RamNode provides customers with standard shared web hosting with above-average uptime and one of the best auto-installers in the industry. There are some features offered such as:

Free migrations for cPanel-based websites

99.9% uptime

Softaculous auto-installer

cPanel access

Daily backups

Free website migrations

Also, RamNode offers value-added features like: unlimited bandwidth, unlimited domains, unlimited emails and unlimited databases.

They have data centers in Atlanta, New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, and The Netherlands. And you can pay by the hour with PayPal, Credit Card, Bitcoin, WeChat, or Alipay. Prepay by adding account credit or leave a card on file to pay automatically.

RamNode Support and Customer Service

RamNode offers 24/7 customer service via online ticket system. Morever, they provide IRC community support forum where you can search for help from other people, however they are not members of RamNode’s support staff.

And, RamNode doesn’t offer support via phone and email.

Conclusion: Is RamNode the Right Choice for you?

RamNode has superior performance and great features but they are mainly suitable for personal sites and most small business sites than power users.

If you are interested in RamNode, click here

RamNode Review

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